Saturday, 15 December 2012

Badgerstoke on The Sexual Revolution

For this post I will cover a topic that seems to be constantly on the mind of many young people. I refer of course to sex.

There wasn’t much sex before the 1960s. There must have been some as women tended to have children and sex is part of that process. However in the 1960s we had the “sexual revolution” which is where the youth went mad with desire brought about by an over-rich diet and taking LSD (which is a type of drug I’ve been informed) and started doing sex all over the place and sometimes with virtual strangers.

At this time I was a teenager working for Mr Jenkins in his corner shop and delivering groceries on a shop bicycle. And I think that the “sexual revolution” must have been something that was exaggerated by the more sensation sections of the press as I never saw anything of it. I have discussed this with my wife, Mrs Badgerstoke, and she confirms my opinion although she did say that she’d had her bottom pinched once in 1968 whilst travelling on the number 39 bus. In those days of course she wasn’t Mrs Badgerstoke but rather Miss Prendergast but even then her bottom was of a size that the perpetrator of the crime would have had no problem in finding somewhere to grab hold of. My wife tells me that the bus was crowded with standing room only and although she tried her best, she never did find out who did it. She told me she even put an advertisement in the local newspaper offering a moderate reward next to a picture of herself (the one taken whilst wearing a bathing costume on the beach at Clacton) but nobody came forward.

Things seemed to setting down in the 1970s when the novelty of excessive and impromptu sex had worn off a bit but certain sections of the press tried to keep the thing going, probably to boost their circulation. The worst offenders were the women’s glossy magazines which encouraged women to assume that having multiple orgasms was their right. I discussed this point with Mrs Badgerstoke who assured me that having an organism tended to interrupt her train of thought and that she couldn’t imagine having a second one inside three months of the first and I’m not sure that, with that length of time between them, could be considered to be “multiple”.

We had an unfortunate incident in the close recently which illustrates the dangers that too much exposure to sex can bring. Another of our neighbours, Miss Dingle at number 12, read the book Fifty Shades of Grey. She said she thought it was a book on decorating for people with less colourful tastes. She seemed to have been deeply affected by the book and the vicar, Rev Snodgrass, has needed to give her extensive one-to-one counselling. You have to admire the devotion of the clergy as several times I have looked out of our bedroom window and seen him leaving Miss Dingle’s house in the early hours of the morning with a haggard expression on his face.

I will leave the topic of sex for now and come back to it in a later post as I understand some people can get a little over stimulated by the subject although neither myself nor Mrs Badgerstoke have ever suffered in that way.

However before I go, I had promised you some sage advice and so I will end each of my posts with a piece of wisdom under the name “Badgerstoke’s Tip” and here is the first one:

Badgerstoke’s Tip: It is best to have sex with the lights off, particularly if your chosen partner is not very attractive.

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