In my frequent strolls through random pages on the Web I
occasionally saw mention of the NWO. I had never taken much notice before
assuming it was a 1970s rock band like ELO or REM or possibly a fringe Gaelic
political part like the SNP. However on further examination one day, I was
shocked to discover that it is in fact an evil Secret Society called the New
World Order bent on enslaving the World. Now I must admit that name still
sounds a bit like a pop group and I expect they chose it so it wouldn’t be
obvious they were a secret society or in any way evil.
I decided to see if there were other secret societies out
there either masquerading as pop groups or other innocent organisations. Using
the best resources of the internet and Hollywood
I have undertaken some extensive research and what I have discovered is
frightening. There may be hundreds of secret organisation both private and
government run, including the Illuminati, Masons and Women’s Institute. Each
one seems bent on World domination by a variety of means ranging from mind
control to putting Fluoride in our water. A friend of mine suggested that what
I was doing was dangerous as secret societies don’t like their activities to be
examined to closely. He told me that it was rumoured that both Lord Lucan and a
chap called Shergar were doing research on secret organisations when they
suddenly disappeared. Also there was a chap called David Icke (name after his
relative David "Icke" Eisenhower
who I think was a US
President) that had been warning people about these secret organisation and the
NWO sent him mad. However I think this topic is important enough
for me to risk being kidnapped and I think it is clear that my mind should be
capable of resisting any attempts to send me insane.
The New World Order does seem to be the main one of these
secret societies and possibly has control over all the others. So here is what
I’ve discovered about it.
It has existed for thousands of years and has the goal of
creating a single World Government. I have to say they seem very inefficient if
it has taken them this long and they’re still nowhere near achieving their original
aim. Mind you I always find that large organisations are very inefficient and I
expect the “World Domination” subcommittee doesn’t meet that often.
They have a secondary aim of creating a single World
religion. I hope it isn’t Islam as I’m not sure that Mrs Badgerstoke would be
able to get on the floor and pray to Mecca
five times a day and I’m not sure my knees are up to it either.
They have managed to convince the US Government to put their
motto and their symbol of a pyramid and all-seeing eye on the one dollar bill.
Being a secret society and having your symbol on millions of dollar bills does
seem to be a little incompetent; maybe that gives a good indication of their
lack of progress towards a World Government. Also there will come a time that
even the Americans will phase out their one dollar bill in favour of a coin and
so surely a more efficient evil secret society would have gone for the ten or
twenty dollar bill. I’m sure that they could benefit from the management skills
I acquired while running a medium sized retail outlet before I retired.
In spite of their lack of success over thousands of years a
number of influential people do seem to have become involved with them. It
appears they are now run by members of the Rothschild family who are rich
family that became bored with just being wealthy and decided that World
domination might be a fun thing to do. I guess I’d prefer to just lounge about
on my yacht or sip a dry martini rather that have all the bother of being evil
if I had their money.
Another set of people that seem to be associated with the
NWO were that well known comedy double act from 1930s Hollywood,
Coudenhove and Kalergi. They were not as famous as the similar act of Laurel
and Hardy due to having more unpronounceable names.
They came up with the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan which the NWO
adopted. This involved getting people of different races to breed thereby
ensuring that there would be no more white people left in a few years time. I
must say this seems much more likely to succeed than other plans of the NWO as
people don’t normally need much encouragement to breed and with the
introduction of foreign holidays in the 1970s the opportunity the breed with
people of difference races was taken up with great enthusiasm by many people.
However, how the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan contributed towards
World Domination it is difficult to say. Probably this is another indication of
the lack of coordination within a large organisation.
Finally there is one worrying thought. Maybe the New World
Order has already succeeded and we are already under the control of a small
elite of wealthy people like Rupert Murdoch, Mike Zuckerberg
and Vladimir Putin. Maybe Donald Trump is just an android worked remotely from
NWO headquarters which is likely to be inside a volcano somewhere remote like
the middle of Switzerland. I have
noticed an increase in the number of CCTV camera in our town recently and
occasionally I get phone calls from people with foreign accents telling me my
computer has been compromised. So quite possibly we are all under close
observation. And maybe they are using evil tactics like solving Global Poverty,
Conquering diseases, improving education, etc. to keep us from becoming too
curious about their activities.
If you are unable to read this article then it is probable
that the NWO have removed it and if I post no further articles then they may
also have removed me.
Badgerstoke Tip: However bizarre your fears there will
always be someone more paranoid than you.
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